Rabu, 25 Desember 2019

Gallery Of House Decoration

Art galleries are a great way to arrange lots of smaller art pieces. But if you have large wall art that you want to showcase, you’ll have to go by a different set of design principles.

There are many reasons to hang large wall art; maybe you painted something yourself or purchased a special piece while traveling. You may also be going for a more modern style, which tends to emphasize minimalism. Large wall art is a surprisingly great way to optimize small spaces. By focusing on a few large elements, you leave the space looking more open and less cluttered.

Look for pieces that draw you in

A good way to make that large wall art a focal point in the space is to find art that draws you in visually. The photo above is a good example: The shot of the rope bridge extending into the distance invites the eye to follow and see where the bridge is leading. You might also try art of geometric optical illusions, nature close-ups or any other type of imagery you can’t help but stare at. (The need to keep looking may just be the definition of good art, after all.)

Gallery Of House Decoration - What type of large wall art have you incorporated into your home? Let us know in the comments section!

Source : https://freshome.com/how-to-use-large-wall-art/

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